Year 2

Welcome to Year 2. Miss Bannister and Miss King make up the teaching team in this year group, well-supported by Mrs Bruton & Mrs Baker, our dedicated teaching assistants. 

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  • 17/07/24

    Art Art Art!

    Chalk pictures by 2NB
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  • 27/06/24

    Seaside Fun!

    Year 2 see the sea!
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  • 04/06/24

    Music and Art Day

    2AK had a lovely day celebrating Music and Art. 
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  • 01/05/24

    Year 2 Art

    Click here to look at the beautiful pieces of art work year 2 have created.
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  • 27/03/24

    Information for Parents

    Information regarding the optional KS1 SATS
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  • 19/03/24

    Farm Visit to the North School Farm

    Click to find out why there is a cat in a wheel barrow!
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  • 17/01/24

    It's snowing!

    Year 2 have made the most of the little snow we've had and used it to promote their well-being and explore the seasons!
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  • 17/11/23

    It's Magic

    Read on to find out what magic things year 2 have been doing!
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  • 10/10/23

    Castles and Zog?!

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  • 28/06/23

    Look what we caught!

    Find out what year 2 have been up to this week...
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  • 28/04/23

    Vincent van Gogh

    Read on to look at 2NB's marvellous artwork!
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  • 12/03/23

    Year 2 and Rainforests

    Find out what year 2 have found out about sloths!
    Read Full Story

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