Latest News from 2 Year Old Room

Find out what has been happening in the 2 year old nursery this week!

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  • 02/07/24

    Sports Day

    Well Done Nursery on an amazing Sports Day
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  • 10/10/23

    Dragonfly days...

    Read on to find out what the dragonfly room has been up to so far this term!
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  • 14/05/23


    Newcomers to the 2-year-old room and what we have been learning.
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  • 23/03/23

    Dragonfly's are keeping busy!

    Read on to find out what Dragonfly's have been doing this term...
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  • 18/01/23

    In Nursery this week

    Click here to find out what exciting things have happened in Nursery this week. 
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  • 23/05/22

    W/B 16th May 2022

    See what we got up to on our school trip this week! 
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  • 22/04/22

    First Week Back-Term 5

    See what we have been up to this week
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