Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! The teaching team in this year group is made up of Miss Thind & Miss Morris. They are well-supported by their Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brown, Mrs Mason and Miss Morris.

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  • 04/06/24

    Music and Art Day

    Read on to find out what year 6 got up to for Music and Art day.
    Read Full Story
  • 04/06/24

    PGL Information 2024

    Please click here to read the information regarding this year's PGL.
    Read Full Story
  • 27/03/24

    Information for Parents

    Information for parents regarding the Year 6 SATS
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  • 06/02/24


    Read on to find out what Hokusai is all about!
    Read Full Story
  • 05/12/23

    It's Time to Evacuate!

    Read all about it!
    Read Full Story
  • 28/09/23

    What bright sparks!

    Carry on reading to find out why.
    Read Full Story
  • 07/03/23

    Water Colours and the Great Wall of China

    Read on to find out what year 6 have been doing this week...
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  • 08/02/23

    Year 6 Open Classroom Event

    Year 6 got to show off some of their exciting learning this term.
    Read Full Story
  • 27/01/23

    Hokusai Art Project

    This week, we began researching Hokusai Art.
    Read Full Story
  • 30/09/22

    Gravity & Air Resistance

    Gravity & Air Resistance were the focus this week...
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  • 16/09/22

    An artistic start for Year 6

    Year 6 have been sharpening up their artistic skills...
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  • 15/07/22

    Year 6 Flip out!

    Year 6 visited Flip Out to let off some post-SATs steam!
    Read Full Story

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