Year 2 Inspired by famous sculptor
Year 2 have been learning about the work of famous sculptor, Grayson Perry.
Year 2 have been studying the work of sculptor & potter Grayson Perry. Perry is a contemporary artist famous for his work with ceramics.
Within his work, Perry explores themes such as identity, social status and gender. He is something of a divisive figure inspiring fun and a sense of wit as well as anger and fear.
We used air-dry clay and a pottery technique known as pinching to create our own pots. The ones with lids were double pinch pots joined together. Once dried they were then given a PVA/ water mix to seal the clay. We used different materials to add decoupage in the Grayson Perry style.
Links to our learning:
To be able to look at the work of famous artists (Grayson Perry).
To be able to experiment with 3D pieces.