At Beaver Green Primary School we promote, support and encourage excellent practice in the teaching of Religious Education (RE).  We have chosen to follow the Kent Agreed Syllabus which develops children’s critical thinking and evaluation skills. Children learn about religions and world views through an enquiry based approach, where significant key questions are discussed. This enables them to develop and understand the skills needed to appreciate others responses as well as develop responses of their own. 

Our school values and key British Values such as tolerance and mutual respect run throughout our teaching of R.E.  We are committed to providing our children with an exciting, positive and safe learning environment, in which they have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews. One where they can share their beliefs and experiences without fear of judgement or negativity, while contributing to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our pupils also have the opportunity to learn that there are those who do not hold religious beliefs and have their own philosophical perspectives.

At Beaver Green we immerse the children fully into investigating and engaging in deeper learning through the use of RE days. This follows throughout the whole school and the children celebrate their learning through the use of digital floorbooks.