Ethos & Values
At Beaver Green Primary School, we have high expectations and standards for pupil behaviour. We focus on a positive approach to behaviour management underpinned by explicit teaching of our agreed core ‘B.E.A.V.E.R’ values and ‘G.R.E.E.N’ school rules.
Beaver Green is committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour underpins productive learning. It is a place of safety, where firm boundaries guide and support; where self-discipline and regulation outweighs compliance; where high expectations lead to life-long learning; where careful and respectful relationships build self-esteem. All members of our school community are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and actively encourage others to do the same. A successful restorative ethos places the value of relationships at the heart of the school, it teaches children responsibility, develops their emotional literacy, builds and nurtures relationships and promotes learning strategies and problem solving.
B - Belief - belief in oneself and tolerance of others
E - Empathy - understanding the feelings of others
A - Aspiration - aiming high in all we do
V - Valiance - show bravery and resilience
E - Equality - everyone is treated fairly and has the same opportunity
R - Reflection - reflecting on our actions and learning from our mistakes.
G - Gentle - We are calm, walk sensibly around the school and are gentle with our actions.
R - Respect - We are polite and look after school property.
E - Excellence - We work hard and always try our best.
E - Engagement - We listen, follow instructions and participate in our learning.
N - Nobility - We are trustworthy and honest.