Whole School News

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  • 17/07/24

    Year 2 Wingham Trip

    What an amazing day Year 2 had at Wingham Wildlife Park. 
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  • 05/07/24

    Term 6 Farm Club

    Learn more about what the farm club has done this term.
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  • 02/07/24

    PGL at Ferny Crofts Day 1

    Have a look at what Year 6 have been up to on day 1 of PGL
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  • 27/06/24

    2AK Class Assembly

    We shared some of our art, writing and singing with our grown ups.
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  • 02/06/24

    End of SATS celebration

    Year 6 Park Trip to celebrate the end of SATS 
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  • 31/05/24

    Slushie Time!!

    Term 5's attendance reward! Have a look at how much we loved it! 
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  • 31/05/24

    Raffle Winner

    The winner of the Year R Cake Sale Raffle is....
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  • 29/05/24

    Term 5 newsletter

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  • 22/05/24

    Year 6 SATs treat

    A reward and a celebration for year 6's hard work towards and during SATs!
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  • 22/05/24

    Stars of the Week!

    Well done stars of the week!
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  • 21/05/24

    Weekly Attendance

    Attendance week commencing 13.05.2024. Well done to 6AT for getting 100% attendance. 
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  • 13/05/24

    Forest School Fun!

    We have so much fun at our weekly Forest School sessions. Have a look at some of the things we have been getting up to. 
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