Whole School News

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  • 24/10/22

    Term 1 Newsletter

    Term 1 Newsletter
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  • 22/09/22

    Year Group Updates

    Year Group News can now be found within the Year Group dedicated pages of the website. 
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  • 20/07/22

    Term 6 Newsletter

    Term 6 Newsletter
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  • 15/07/22

    Year 6 FLIP OUT!

    Year 6 let off some steam after SATs...
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  • 15/07/22

    Year 4 & the Mystery Tour

    Roll up, roll up for Year 4 & the Mystery Tour!
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  • 13/07/22

    Staying safe in hot weather

    Click here to read our Sun Safe Protocol.
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  • 13/07/22

    The Titanic Detective Agency - Year 3

    Year 3 have stepped back in time to immerse themselves in the world of The Titanic. 
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  • 12/07/22

    Parables in Year 3

    Year 3 have been considering the meaning 'hidden' in parables (stories) from the Bible.
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  • 12/07/22

    Year 5 Deep Thinking

    Year 5, Rauf Class, reflected on how they can help others. 
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  • 12/07/22

    Year 1 Art & Design

    Year 1 develop their Art & Design Skills... 
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  • 01/07/22

    Year 2 Inspired by famous sculptor

    Year 2 have been learning about the work of famous sculptor, Grayson Perry.
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  • 01/07/22

    EYFS Love Underpants!

    Click here to learn about Year R and their adventures on the Seven Seas!
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