Year Groups

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! The teaching team in this year group is made up of Miss Thind & Miss Morris. They are well-supported by their Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brown, Mrs Mason and Miss Morris.

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  • 01/07/22

    A new chapter begins

    Click here to learn a little about transition week for Year 6
    Read Full Story
  • 27/05/22

    Week Beginning 23/5/22

    Have a look at what we have been doing in Science this week! 
    Read Full Story
  • 23/05/22

    Week beginning 16/5/22

    Take a look at what 6BC have been learning about in RE this week!
    Read Full Story
  • 12/05/22

    SATS Week

    A Message from the Year 6 team!
    Read Full Story
  • 22/04/22

    Week Beginning 18/4/22

    Take a look at what Year 6 have been up to this week! 
    Read Full Story

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