Year Groups

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! The teaching team in this year group is made up of Mrs Cherry & Mr Arrandale. They are well-supported by their Teaching Assistants: Miss Bradford and Mrs Huang.

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  • 22/05/24

    It's in the blood!

    Read on to find out what has been happening in year 5... 
    Read Full Story
  • 29/04/24

    Real Life Street Art

    Read on to continue learning about year 5's Art topic. 
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  • 17/04/24

    Street Art

    Look at our amazing art!
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  • 14/03/24

    Why do people go to places of worship?

    Read on to find out why.
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  • 14/02/24

    The Tudors

    Continue reading to learn more about the Tudors...
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  • 05/10/23

    Take a bow year 5!

    Read on to find out why...
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  • 17/07/23

    Ukulele, oo?

    Read on to find out what year 5 have been doing with Ukuleles!
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  • 02/07/23

    We're off to Wingham Wildlife Park! Hurrah!

    Check out what amazing animals 5BM spotted at Wingham Wildlife Park!
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  • 10/05/23

    Street Art Trail!

    Read out to find out where year 5 have been this term!
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  • 17/03/23

    Science week!

    This is what year 5 has been up to for science week. 
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  • 05/03/23

    St. Francis Church

    Find out why year 5 visited St. Francis Church
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  • 09/02/23

    Year 5 Keeping Safe on the Internet

    Year 5 have been helping others stay safe online!
    Read Full Story

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